Comics Anonymous

January 27, 2015, 3:24 pm
Filed under: Comic Reviews, Indie Comics | Tags: , , ,

The Disease

Writer James Mulholland brings us this one-shot about Zombies…..and while the initial thoughts that this could be another addition to an overly saturated comics genre…….that’s soon found to be as far from the truth as you can get.

While it does cover the bases of what you would get in any other zombie-themed comic as the main elements of surviving zombie attacks and finding out just what the hell is going on are in place…..the one-shot has more suprising elements to it that set it apart from the zombified herd.  We follow Gerry as he wakes up in the attic of his house in the Irish countryside & with no family in sight and the world seeming to be eerily quiet he goes on search of his wife & kids in the nearest town.

Where the feck?

After coming face to face with some zombies and having to cross the line of survival and actually kill one of the undead he’s soon teamed up with another survivor called Kate who has had to cross that line more than once to escape them too.  They get to know each other a bit more and learn of each others past and as night falls they give in to sleep and face the new day that’s to come.


It’s hear that the finer details of Gerry and his life begin to creep in and this is where James takes a new direction than we’ve seen before.  Venturing into bittersweet territory as there’s a more harrowing truth behind his missing family and his own predicament.  As cruel as it is to say, it’s this element that makes it all the more real and separates the one-shot from a run-of-the-mill zombie story…..and that’s a credit to James on that front.  He’s thinking outside the box and Gerry’s realization on discovery of some tapes he plays back at his house mark the final pieces being laid out for our central character.

The writing is backed up by some great artwork from Daniel Romero as the black & white suits the story as it hides enough surprise in the shadows and displays the stark revelations in a timeless way.  Detailed enough, particularly around the character close-ups to convey the harsh truths they face.  The only downside was the cover for me but then that’s a matter of choice more than anything else…..the story & interior artwork are the real stars here and this is one you should DEFINITELY get hold of.

Go get this over on Sellfy or Gumroad now & keep up with James next release over on his Facebook page & Daniel’s work over on Deviant Art.



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“The Disease” is an action packed comic that you May pass by due to its trending cover but in all reality it’s much more then your every day zombie fables. Writer and creator James Mulholland draws the line between your every day zombie apocalypse and abstract imagination at its finest. As We follow Gerry who awakes in his home on the Irish country side with no idea where his family is, he embarks on a journey that can only be related to the great “Homer” and his exciting Odyssey legends. The minute our pal Gerry meets “Kate” a lone survivor the story becomes more mysterious as they share their past stories and future endeavors. The hazy revelations lead to the dark truth of his family disappearance Along with some unraveling home tapes that may break the hope he had to reunite with his beloved family .

Comment by Jacob Rivas

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